Contribution Guide

You're here becuase you're interested in helping us improve, so I'd like to say thank you!

Contributing on CodeUnicorn is easy, you'll be doing it as you're going through the project. The first step of course is selecting a project that you want to work on and click that start button! At the bottom of each section you'll see a contribution block, like the one in the picture below:


If you see something that is unclear, or even a typo (we all know we can make those), please click on "here" and contribute! There's always a better way to write something and we'd like to see what you think that is.

After clicking on here in the section, you will be redirected to a page just like the one below.


This is the file for that specific section that you would like to contribute to!

What you will need to do now is click on pencil icon, which will allow you to edit the file (the icon highlighted in a red box).

After you have clicked to edit the file, you will see that the page changes allowing you edit.


Now you'll just need to do the following steps:

  1. Make whatever changes you think are required
  2. Provide a commit and an optional description if you'd like
  3. Select the option which allows you to create a branch. The branch naming scheme is as follows:
    • <your-username>-patch-<branch-name>
    • The branch name can be related to something you changed

Once you have completed everything you'd like to do, click on the green button!

Thank you for contributing!

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